May 22, 2024

Thank You for your kind words and support as I deal with my injury.

It's been a wild few weeks to say the least, and it ain't over yet.
Saw an amazing chiropractor today. He made me feel a bit better both physically & mentally. I know what I'm dealing with now and what we will do to fix that.
My credit card is gonna take a hit, but f*ck it. I'm going to get pain relief and resume doing things I usually take for granted like....ummmm...standing straight and walking! Baby steps yes, but steps nonetheless.
In the creative dept. I've tweaked our logo back to the classic version and our EVENTS section is BIGGER with lots of listings.
New posts coming when they come. I have to concentrate on getting better and although I don't use my legs to do Scribbles stuff, if I'm in pain or tired from my meds, I don't do a lot of Scribblin'.
I faced some dark days the past few weeks. I feel your love and support, it means a lot to me. It helped brighten some of those cold, dark times.
There is now a light on the other side of the mountain. I am hopeful that my treatments will get me back on my feet again.....quiet literally!