Mar 1, 2016

EN-RICH-MENTS | Rich Hunt Talks About Dog Zen

Dog zen! if you "live" with a dog or dogs, you will know they have a sixth sense for everything.

They know a walk is coming before you say it, they are at the window before you pull any random time....they know when to bug you for food and you'll cave. They know when to hug you, cuddle you..leave you alone. 

Why? Because it's in their program to live in the moment! They don't hold grudges for being yelled at for peeing on the floor, they don't worry you're never coming home. 

It's that living in the moment that offers unconditional love! If they worried about the past or future, a predator would catch them off guard. 

Some dogs, pick up their owners behaviours and get anxiety...that is not their nature....and those anxious dogs, many of us have learned from those around us that it's natural to worry and have stepped out of our nature therefore giving up the best gift of all...unconditional love.

The ability to drop the past emotions and the ability to be comfortable without knowing the future. Look at every news story you want, every case study you want...those that are bad, came from people worrying about the past or future, those that are good...will have a statement like...I wasn't thinking...I just ran into that burning building. 

Dogs!!! They have lots to teach us! May god bless everyone of them.