Jan 30, 2016

EDITORIAL | The Usual Suspects

As even the most casual Scribbles follower will have noticed by now, there haven’t been a lot of new posts on our website since before the holidays.

I’ll blame the usual suspects.

When I spend a lot of time sitting in front of my laptop, my chronic neck & shoulders pain increases and that kinda puts a damper on the fun of creating a special website for my treasured friends.  

I am concocting my own version of a raised desktop, which you would use while standing at your desk...they’re advertised on TV all the time....the real one, not my flimsy beta version.   Maybe this will alleviate the pain a bit and less pain equals more Scribbles.

Next on our countdown of excuses .... My clinical depression and anxiety. Winter is never a good time for these as many of our friends reading this are painfully aware of, and that in turn brings my creative juices to a mere trickle.  

I was visiting with a friend the other day. She got on the topic of depression. She explained how she had depression and was fine now. She felt many people today seem to wear their depression like a badge of honour.  We were only moments from the venue we were going to, so I didn’t have time to debate further on the subject, but her words repeated themselves in my head for hours to come.

Although I have always been open about my depression, anxiety and chronic pain,  I have never done so looking for accolades.  My friend who was depressed but is now fine, should be grateful that her brain is hot-wired to respond “at the proper times and amounts”.  Clinical depression can be much different than that. 

Clinical depression and anxiety are like winning the lottery... you’re at Disney World,  you’ve brought all your family and friends. The park is closed to the public so you can have it all to yourself.  

All this excitement happening all around you and yet in your head you feel down, sad, empty. Or maybe you’re not depressed today but your anxiety level is off the chart.  It doesn’t make sense, you should be happy, yet your brain is sending you a very different message. 

Thanks to medications, treatments and therapy, I manage my depression and anxiety as best I can and try not to beat myself up when I fall off the ‘happy-go-lucky trail’.

So, I’ve had my rant, how about telling you what our future plans for Scribbles are.

One of the things I have usually tried to do with Scribbles is keep it a ‘fun’ alternative to all the gloom and doom of the world and other websites.  

Although your accomplishments & photos will always be the driving force behind Scribbles, I feel it’s time to get a bit edgier. I'd also like to see more short stories, art, photos and poetry from YOU and more posts about health & wellness. 

With that in mind, we have reformatted our layout template and will be making gradual changes in the months ahead.  

Thanks for your continued support.

Ken Leavoy