Angels Light Up Vivian's Home
Sadly we lost our friend (and in my family's case longtime neighbour) Vivian Campbell this Fall. Her adult children have decided to spend one last Christmas in the family's home, before putting the house up for sale. A bittersweet affair I am sure, but great idea Karin, Kelly and Kirby.
I love seeing your mom's place all lit up like this guys, it made me stop and smile (with a tear thrown in for good measure). I'm sure she is pleased.
Spectacular Light Show
This home in Ohio caused traffic jams as people came to see the amazing light show.
CLICK HERE and see what all the fuss is about
Deers Shine Brightly
The reindeer have arrived at our pal Becky's place. That's sure to get Santa's attention, Grace. HO HO HO!
We Clean Up Well...
Rob and I pose with his friends Bea and Mar at the Fallsview Avenue Resort's annual Christmas dinner and dance. Behind the camera, Rob's workpal and pc guru Katherine.
Timmi's New Walk Buddy!

My "brother-in-law" Ken, lives in the same apartment building as I do, along with my sister Jane and my nephew Graham. Having them only two floors away has proven handy in lots of ways over the years and this week we discovered a new one.

Ken enjoys going for walks these days and dropped by one night to see if Timmi would like to join him. Although at first Timmi was a bit confused when I tried to explain he was going for a walk, but not with "Daddy", he seemed prettty happy about his new walk buddy by the time they returned. Ken has even returned a few times nowe, to do it again.
Talk about a win-win-win. Ken and Timmi get to enjoy a walk while I nurse my sore back (YES folks, it's all sore again.)
Thank you very much for your kind offer Ken, Timmi told me tonight that he really loves going for walks with you and likes that you let him sniff everything along the way. WOOF WOOF!
Ho Ho Ho
Gail Sharratt-Mallory (third from left) and her pals are looking merry by the Christmas tree.

Holiday Dreams Do Come True!
The adorable cocker spaniel pictured above should look familiar to our readers. Her name is Honey and she was in need of a home.
I first met Honey while attending Hartzel Animal Hospital's Open House earlier this month. The hospital had performed important surgery on Honey, who was now in need of a loving home. I promised the staff I would post Honey's story on scribbles to spread the word about her.
Well, we have great news! Honey has a home! Our Hartzel Animal Hospital pal Jenn left me a voice message that Honey will indeed be "Home for the Holidays", now that an associate of one of the vet's has adopted her.
You are such an adorable girl and I loved how you took a shining to me. You reminded me so much of a dog I once had named Poppy and I'm glad you have found a home :)
Thank you to Jenn, for letting me know Honey now has a place to call home. I liked how you mentioned my blog in your voice message and as you can see, I updated it as soon as I heard the great news.
Happy Holidays to everyone at Hartzel Animal Hospital from scribbles. Your Open House was awesome and I trust you will make good use of your new spacious location.
Read our review of Hartzel Animal Hospital's Open House once again CLICK HERE

Sandra Burger-Vedder's ready for some smooching under the mistletoe. HO HO HO and HA HA HA, I love this funny photo Sandra.
What do all four of these Christmas trees have in common? They were all decorated by Rob Proulx. Clockwise from top left: The tree in the lobby of our apartment building that Rob helped the Supers decorate; Rob's sister Patty's new 7' tree; our tree and lastly his mom Merry's tree.
If you haven't put your tree up yet, maybe you should give Rob a call, he seems to have got it down to a fine art.
Check out this cute video of the Eckert family as they rock around the Christmas tree.
Santa's Little Helpers
Santa Claus will be pleased to see he has three very good little boys in the Ottawa Valley eagerly awaiting his arrival on Christmas Eve. All smiles, cousins Dylan, Ethan and Jack look simply marvelous in their red sweaters and Santa hats.
"Gee, it's kinda cozy under here"
In the first of three amazing finds on our pal Angela O'Neill-Whiteley's facebook page, we find her cat Noelle checking out the family's Christmas tree.
Angela's daughter is really getting wrapped up in the Christmas spirit....LOL!
OK, I'm cut off...I'm seeing Double!
No, scribbles cannot take the credit for this tricky photo, it was someone else's handywork. The last time I checked there was only one Angela, but apparently I was mistaken. Awesome photo Angela, whichever one is really you...LOL!

My buddy J.R. gets cozy beside our Christmas tree.
Merry Proulx's new cat Cotton gets into the holiday spirit when he spots mommy's beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The tree trimming was courtesy of Merry's son Rob, who was obviously on a roll, having also decorated his sister's tree and our tree as well.
As we see in the clip above Cotton finds Rob's efforts quite intriguing. Somehow I think Merry will be picking up balls throughout the holiday season. Ho Ho Ho!
And don't forget to VOTE FOR COTTON in the Purina's "A Wonderfur Winter Contest." You can vote once a day. Just CLICK HERE to cast your vote.
Get Well Mom
My mom Joan Storie's surgery went well and she is now home from the hospital. Her recovery period is expected to be about 6-8 weeks, so this usually active sexy senior will be house bound for a while (good thing she's got lots of books to read and DVD's to watch.)
We are all here for you and will visit you frequently and we love you very much Mom!
She Loves Her Prizes
Our friend Nancy Erskine of Dunnville, ON was the winner of Scribbles Anniversary Contest and received a great collection of DVD's and collectibles. We asked her if she could send us a photo when the prizes arrived and she did -quite a few weeks ago now.
Sorry for being tardy posting the photo you sent Nancy, let's blame it on my meds (I blame EVERYTHING that is messed up or loopy on my meds...LOL)
Seen with Nancy's prizes is Miss Sonia Biddlesworth, her "beloved pussy" [her own words.]
Nancy, like many of our contest winners, said she'd never won anything before. Well you can no longer say that anymore Nancy thanks to a very unique website we like to call scribbles : )
A New Sensation
My sister Jane came up with the idea and I leaped at the opportunity. We would surprise her son Graham by taking him to see the movie Puss n Boots. It was quite an experience for Graham, who had never been to a theatre before, let alone enjoy a movie featured in 3D!
We had great seats and sat through plenty of ads and previews before finally following the prompt on the big screen to please put on our 3D glasses.
"Put your glasses on now Graham", Jane said.
"But why?" asked a slightly puzzled Graham.
"You'll see" his mom and I said together.
And boy did he. The look on his face when Puss n Boots "popped out" of the big screen and the giggles that followed made it well worth the price of admission and the over-priced popcorn. He absolutely loved it.
At one point in the movie, an arrow flies across the screen towards Puss n Boots. "Who threw that?" Graham asked, forgetting for a moment it was all part of the movie.
It was a magical moment and one I hope we get to repeat again soon.
Living Brightly in the Dark...
...Our pal Shelly is Simply Amazing
*You'll need to turn up the volume to hear portions of this clip
Imagine for a moment that you suddenly lost your vision. How would you get around? How would you perform daily tasks that you currently do with great ease and little thought? How would you know which bills in your wallet were $5, $10 or more? And most importantly (for many of our readers who need all the help they can get waking up each day), how would you pour your morning cup of java, without burning your hands or spilling it all over the counter?
Our friend Shelly Stewart has all the answers. At age 27, Shelly lost her vision. For many of us, this would be a perfect excuse to retreat from the world and give up on life. But not for our pal Shelly. Sure, she had a period of readjustment, but Shelly didn't let losing her vision stop her from leading a full and productive life. In fact you could say Shelly's situation motivated her to prove to herself and the world that being blind is no reason to give up on doing the things you love.
Over the years, Shelly has travelled more than most sighted people I know. She's embarked on cruises, enjoyed the sun and sandy beaches in Mexico and even maneuvered rocks and cliffs to kiss the Blarney Stone when she travelled to Ireland with our mutual friend Marsha Scott.
Although she is currently awaiting a new four-legged "working" companion, Shelly has had two guide dogs in the past who not only helped her with day-to-day activities, but joined her when she gave motivational speeches to large groups of people. Dubbed "Wigs and Wags", Shelly and her guide dogs Flanagan and then Fozzie informed and inspired others for many years.
Guide dogs must retire after a set amount of years and saying goodbye to someone who has not only been your companion but also a important instrument in getting around is never easy. But Shelly continues to roll with the punches whether travelling alone or with a furry assistant.
Recently, Shelly was featured on CHCH-TV's "Morning Live" program where Shelly gave viewers a glimpse at some of the ways she performs daily tasks. Our clip above includes brief excerpts from her appearance on the show and includes opening narration by yours truly so Shelly can follow along when she "watches" the clip.
Shelly I'm not sure if I've ever told you in words just how much I admire you. I love our visits and heart-to-heart chats. You are indeed an amazing person and I'm so glad we are friends and that you don't seem to notice when I'm having a bad hair day or my goatee is in need of a touch-up with a little "Just for Men" hair colouring. LOL!
I really love you Shelly.
"Hi Kenny. You are such a doll. You made me cry with the nice things that you said. thank you and it is nice to hear some of the old Kenny back. You seem happy and maybe in a little less pain? I hope because i love you too and love spending time with you as well. Saw Justin Hines at Brock and he has the same laugh as you and it is just as infectious!. Love you lots!"
Shelly Stewart -St Catharines, ON