JJ on the Mend
Our new friend JJ is feeling much better these days, as evident by the mischief he gets into. Although I made him a play area which he really enjoys, this curious kitty has found lots of other "NO" spots to hang out in.
My plants are a popular choice and have been raised to areas JJ will hopefully not get to. He did discover the window sill with a couple of plants on it, but there were no causalities. My favourite spot was finding him balanced on top of my digital photo frame...that was a close call!
Now that he is feeling better, JJ has been meeting more new friends. Recent guests included Becky Lee, Cathy Neil, Kerri Fortier-Thompson, my sister Jane and my nephew Graham. Everyone fell in love with him, with more than one friend wanting to take him home with them!
He's also scared me bigtime ....twice. Somehow getting locked out in the hall once and one time on the deadly balcony.
I've introduced him to a collar with a bell on it tonight....I don't think he is going to be thrilled about this but maybe I will be able to find him better.