Ken Talks About Cocoa
Apr. 5, 2016
As I read the message Deanna's daughter Meghan wrote on facebook in memory of their little pal Cocoa, who passed away Mon. April. 4 at the age 2. I get a lump in my throat. How could this little fluff ball be gone so soon?

Meghan, Deanna, I hope that all the photos you have of your little muffin, bring back fond memories and perhaps even make you smile a little. Try not to dwell on asking "why" this has happened and instead embrace the memories of the silly things Cocoa would do and the joy she brought to you both.
An added shout out to Cocoa's big brother Dakota, who is a big, lovable, husky. Dakota will also be missing his little pal. Good thing he has loving 'parents' to help him through this tough time.
Here are some great collections of pix featured on Meghan's facebook page and reposted with permission.
Rest in Peace Cocoa