I Missed the Trip to Vegas
Regretably I did not attend the Buck and Stag for Michael Poirier and David Bowman on Saturday night. My back was to blame for my absense.
I needed to do the routine of ice and heat treatments and take my meds most of the day and when the pain did subside at times, I was too medicated to hit the highway to Chippawa and that's without having a drink yet. So I stayed home and nursed my aches and pains.
I hope to see lots of photos on facebook from those who were lucky enough to enjoy the Viva Las Vegas stag and live show.
I was really looking forward to going, but I have accepted that there are unfortunately times when my chronic pain prevents me from doing some of the things I had hoped to and now there's another event added to that list.
Michael and David, my apologies for not being able to join you. I did promote your big event in Scribbles so hopefully that helped spread the word a bit more and make the night an even bigger success.