Nov 4, 2013


As I mentioned on facebook recently, I am taking a course called Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) One of the things we are supposed to try and do this week (we have daily homework) is have a greater appreciation for something we do.

With that in mind, I am tooting my own horn to say that I just stopped and took a good long look at website and I am very pleased and proud of the way it looks. In fact I would go as far as to say that our website has never looked better.

The layout, the content, the whole feel of the site makes me smile and judging by your frequent comments, it does the same for you. So here's to my special gift to those I care so deeply for....Scribbles. I appreciate it very much.


Here's a few recent comments from our Scribbles family that really put a smile on my face when I read them. 

"Ken, I think you are *remarkable* for creating Scribbles and pulling together this family/following of yours. You were a blogger before there were blogs. Social media that pre-dates the internet. If that isn't awesome I don't know what is. I just wish you could get public recognition somehow for this. You deserve it."

~Ginger Miller-Blythin

"Definitely something you SHOULD be very proud of! I have always been impressed with your Scribbles!"

~Mikol Zahorchak

"Scribbles is a part of our family. It's something we enjoy reading regularly. Saying thank you and giving praise is something we as a society are lacking and should be offering up more often. Kenny, thank you very much for your dedication to Scribbles and providing us with a clean, entertaining, educational and amusing website/newsletter to enjoy together as a family. Love you! Xox"

~Rhonda King-Janzen