Nov 1, 2013


Individual Cakes in a Jar

Here's a cool recipe that also makes a nice gift, colourful little cakes in a jar. The pix was featured on Amanda Bergsma's facebook page and I was curious as to how it was done. Amanda sent me the following description.

"You can bake the cake in the jars, you have to make sure the glass is oven safe, filled half way with batter, and you put the jars in a deep dish (roasting pan) and fill the pan with water (so the jars are surrounded by water)

Now I wasn't sure my jars where oven safe, so I made cake mix, split the batter into for bowls added colour, and each course was baked in a different pan (you can but small reusable pans at Dollie store)

Once all the cakes were cooled, I crumbled them up (like you do for cake pop) and added a colour to a jar, I then smuoished them down so they liked more "cake" like and added another colour and topped with iceing.

If you do not want to crumbled them, you can use a round cookie cutter (or the mouth if the jar) and just press into the cake and cut out the shape. But that only works if the mouth if the jar is the same size as the body, if not, you will have a gap around the edge."

Amanda tells Scribbles, "I [also] did in Shot glasses. Same idea, but I didn't crumble the cake, I used the rim of the glass to cut out each layer, and filled the top with icing.

Sounds like fun Amanda, although cooking isn't really my thing, I would be happily eat a jar or two or three....LOL!