Jun 24, 2019

ENCORE | Lost Wallet Brings Out a Good Samaritan

Our pal Rob was sure a happy guy when his lost wallet was returned to him, as seen in these photos which were first featured on Scribbles in January 2015.

Rob had lost his wallet on Boxing Day 2014 at the Walmart in Welland. He returned to the store and searched the parking lot once he realized it was missing, but alas the bulky billfold was nowhere to be seen. The wallet contained numerous documents, his I.D., gift cards and some money.

A week or so later, Rob received a parcel. In it was his wallet and a note: "Happy New Year Robert! I found your wallet. You had $40 in it. I’ve used some to mail it back to you.”  It was signed Melissa, with a happy face drawn above her name. Accompanying the note was a receipt for the postage.

His story was later shared in the Welland Tribune. Try as they may, Rob and his mom Merry could not track down the good Samaritan to offer her a huge thank you.

It was a very touching experience, one that brings as much joy to read now as when it happened.

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