Mar 27, 2013

A Very Special Get Together

Colour me thrilled, when my friend Francesca Mackie from Toronto asked if I would like some company last Sunday. Our mutual friend Henry Strevens who lives in the U.K. was visiting the Mackies for a few days and Francesca wondered if they could come to see me. Of course my answer was a huge "YES".

Easter Bunny drawing Catriona gave me
Joining Francesca and Henry on the trip to Welland, were the Mackie's children Colin and Catriona. It had been several years since I last saw everyone and my how the kids have grown.

The visit began with a tour of my apartment. Francesca was impressed by how organized and tidy the place was, something she says is a bit hard for her to do with two active kids in the house. Colin and Catriona liked my massive Simpsons collection, while shutterbug Henry took lots of pictures.

Next up, lunch at M.T. Bellies, where us grown ups had a chance to catch up while the kids enjoyed playing the claw game and completing the activities on their placemats.  Catriona drew a wonderful picture of the Easter Bunny, which she gave me to put on my fridge and which I liked so much I used it for Scribbles Easter logo!

photo from mt
A bit pressed for time, we took a raincheck on taking a leisurely stroll on Merritt Island, in order that my visitors could make it back to Toronto in time for previous engagements.

I can't begin to express how special this visit was to me. It's one thing for friends to come over when they're already planning on being in the area, but today's get together was very different. The reason Francesca and company traveled to Welland was to see me and take me out for lunch. How incredibly sweet is that?

Being pretty emotional these days, I shed several tears after our visit, all happy of course. Thank you so much Francesca, it meant a lot to see you, Henry and the children.


Francesca said...

Great write-up of our visit, will be thrilled when I show them! I'm so glad we were able to make the trip to see you!

Bye for now + Big Hugs

scribbles online said...

I think your kindness was the kick-off to a chain of positive events Francesca.

Look what happened the very next day? And the following days appointment was also good news.

Maybe the true reason for your visit was to bring me good luck. LOL