Mar 27, 2013

Stressed Out?
....There's an App for That!

If you own an ipod, iphone or ipad, there's plenty of apps out there to help you deal with depression and stress. My favourite app is "Relax and Sleep Well" a 27 minute hypnotic meditation program narrated by Glenn Harrold. Best when listened to with earbuds or headphones, this amazing app really helps me relax and feel good about myself. Other meditation apps I enjoy are "Zen Meditation", "Simply Being" and "Buddha Box" (which includes several chants, singing bowls, bells and music).

"Naturespace" gives you various sounds to relax with, including rain forest, ocean, forests and songbirds. "Moody Me" allows you to select what your mood is at any given time and keeps track of those selections, to let you see your overall moods for the week (Last week -during my 'meltdown' my average mood was "sad" -no surprise there).

For something a little lighter, there's "Laughing Buddha" -rub his belly, his feet, his ears or his head for various laughs. "Koi Pond" turns your screen into a tranquil pond with swimming fish and water sounds. There's really no end to the apps you can find to help you deal with daily stress and depression and many of them are free or only a buck or two.

1 comment:

scribbles online said... is another encore....shut up I needed some filler material this week.